Wednesday, January 13, 2010

JEwel of the Sea Day 3

Jewel of the Sea Day 3

Another sea day, which I love. We navigated the Windward Passage during the night: that is the passage between Cuba and Haiti. The Captain did a bit of a course correction. Instead of traveling close to the coast of Cuba he went more towards the passage. We felt no effects of the disaster in Haiti. At the moment we are on a southerly course off the tip of Haiti headed for Aruba.

And we are in the Caribbean, which means the air conditioning on the ship is working just fine---I’m cold. But if you find a spot in the sun it is delightfully warm. Doing a lot of pool time and pool aerobics.

Please keep the people of Haiti and especially my friends Lance and Nadia Durban who live and work in Port au Prince in you thoughts.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Thanks for the update -- I was worried about you!