Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jewel of the Sea Day 5

Jewel of the Seas Day 5

The very best day of the trip so far! It started with the strangest sunrise. There is no moon so the at night the sky and sea are one. As dawn started to creep above the horizon the sea and sky were separated by color. The sea was deep pewter, with waves roiling 8-foot swells. The sky was also pewter but much lighter. All of a sudden a coral arch appears on the horizon, not really throwing out that much light. Soon it was a large coral circle surrounded by the pewter sky and darker water.

About noon we landed in Cartagena, Columbia. We were here a few years ago and it had the appearance and feel of a much different city. For one thing it was cleaner. There were no piles of trash anywhere. In the new city there were a half dozen new sky scrappers. The city itself is being cleaned up and the abandoned buildings are either being torn down or rehabbed. There was a huge police presence and a huge military presence. The government has mandated that young men do two years of service to the country as police or military. The government is winning the war against the drug cartels. Violence and kidnapping are down by 80%. The Columbians are grateful to the current government-a democracy. Education is also free and mandatory through high school. It is a much better city today.

I did a mangrove and swamp tour and dear Husband did a Pirate Galleon tour around the bay. I was impressed with my tour. I took the same tour when I was here before. The government is cleaning up the polluted swamps and turning them into ecological preserves. There was more wildlife and fish in the tidal swamps than before. Oh by the way, the Colombian’s were very clear that we understand that they cannot stand the “idiot” next door (Venezuela). They have closed that border and
it is protected by the Columbian Army.

Our entertainment on board was spectacular. A dance troop from Argentina came aboard—Tango Buenos Aires; the show left us with goose pimples. Dick and I had been to Argentina and with each dance we were reminded of the things we saw and did. Both of us would love to go back to Argentina. The dancers will be giving Tango lessons for free today. They leave the ship tomorrow in Colon Panama. Lovely! And this is the first trip I have not brought my Tango shoes I got in Argentina!

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